树语 葡萄籽滋养沐浴油


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产品名称 葡萄籽滋养沐浴油 功效
品牌 树语 化妆品规格 250ml
系列名 葡萄籽滋养系列 上市时间

  能清洁肌肤污垢,补充肌肤流失的营养和水分,使肌肤柔软有光泽,沐浴后爽滑舒适,让肌肤时刻水润柔嫩。 使用方法:沐浴时,取适量本品均匀涂抹于身体上,适当按摩后用水冲净即可。 注意事项:外用品,避免儿童误食误用,存于阴凉干燥处。 Grapeseed Nourish Bath Oil Rapidly cleanse off dirt on skin and replenish moisture, and skin after bath is left tender moisture. Direction: Apply to body in bath, massage evenly and wash off with water. Caution: External use only. Keep away from children. Store in cool and dry place.