树语 葡萄籽滋养磨砂膏


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产品名称 葡萄籽滋养磨砂膏 功效
品牌 树语 化妆品规格 200g
系列名 葡萄籽滋养系列 上市时间

  补充肌肤水分,软化身体粗厚角质,同时补充肌肤营养,紧实细致肌肤,令身体肌肤紧致迷人,身姿婀娜。 使用方法:沐浴后使用,取适量涂抹于全身肌肤,适当按摩后用水冲洗干净即可。 注意事项:外用品,勿让儿童触及,请存于阴凉干燥处。 Grapeseed Nourish Body Scrub Replenish moisture and soften dead surface, and replenish nutrition to leave you firm skin. Direction: Apply to cleansed body, massage lightly and wash off with water. Caution: External use only. Keep away from children. Store in cool and dry place.