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EVER SINCE是英国美容品牌。下面是其官网的介绍:

About EverSince
Ever Since, was born of our individual experiences in the last years. Each of us separately had his/her share of life's unexpected events, and went through the journey of inner search to understand the meaning of life, to crystallize our values, and to understand what makes us happy. We learned that life is unexpected. We never know what tomorrow will bring. We may live another decade, we may live another day. What is important is to make everyday, a day never to be regretted.

What Makes You Happy?
We believe that happiness is made out of the small moments of life, no matter where you are in life, what you are going through, if you let yourself, these moments of pleasure will come to you.

A project well done at work, compliments from the boss, cuddling on the sofa on a rainy day, a moment of laughter with the ones you love, a song playing at the right moment on the radio, a sunset at the top of a mountain or in the fields, hanging out with your friends, watching your kids play… a moment of relaxation...a candle...soft music...the scent of pure lotion wrapping your senses.




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