十二月坊 橄榄动感造型喷雾


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产品名称 橄榄动感造型喷雾 功效
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

特硬定型保湿配方,含精纯橄榄精华、维C、透明质酸,集中修护干涩、蓬松、受损发梢,帮助头发构筑完美质感;它加强的定型效果还能在增加头发立体感的同时,为发型平添多层次的美感,让你的个性随发飞扬。   Ultra hard styling and moisturizing formula, contain pure olive essence, vitamin C and HA, focus on repairing dry, coarse and damaged hair tips, construct perfect nature for hair, enhance the dimensional feeling of hair with reinforced styling effect, and thoroughly show your personality with dynamic hair.