十二月坊 果萃热能护手膜


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产品名称 果萃热能护手膜 功效
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 面部护理系列 上市时间

采用植物暖体配方研制而成,有效促进手部血液流动,迅速缓解寒冷季节手部冰冻、僵化感觉,令手部产生阵阵暖意,蕴含多种植物精华的护手膜,能深层护理及改善极干燥及疲倦之手部肌肤,令双手回复弹性及柔软润泽。   Efficiency:Apply vegetal body warming formula, effectively promote blood circulation of hand skin, quickly relieve freezing and stiff feeling of hands in chilly weather, warm hands, contain various vegetal hand care essences, powerfully protect and relieve extremely dry and tired hand skin, and make hands firm, soft and moist.