十二月坊 玫瑰深层滋养洗发水


去屑 滋润
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产品名称 玫瑰深层滋养洗发水 功效 去屑 滋润
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

蕴含玫瑰精华不仅有效清洁污垢,更能预防头屑滋生;富含多达3倍的滋养成分,令秀发光洁、飘逸;同时还能修护因染、烫发等原因造成的发质受损;坚持使用,秀发更加润泽,超凡顺滑。     Efficiency: Contain rose essence, effectively remove dirt, prevent dandruff, combine 3 times and nourishing essence, make hair smooth and elegant; effectively repair damaged hair after dyeing and perm; hair appears moist, manageable and smooth after persistent use.