十二月坊 玫瑰润白滋养沐浴露


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产品名称 玫瑰润白滋养沐浴露 功效
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

蕴含玫瑰精油及大量润肤成份,温和清洁的同时滋润美白身体肌肤,使用后肌肤柔滑、白皙,并散发出迷人的清香,犹如置身于清新的大自然中;有效舒缓疲劳,让身心处于放松状态,提高睡眠质量。   Efficiency: Contain rose essential oil and moisturizing factor, mildly clean, moisturize and whiten body skin with excellent effect; after use, skin appears smooth, white with faint fragrance like enjoying the refreshing nature; effectively relieve fatigue, relax physically and mentally, and promote sleep.