十二月坊 银杏免洗精华素


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产品名称 银杏免洗精华素 功效
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

免洗配方,蕴含多种植物精华,清爽控油,有效成份迅速作用于头部发根,平衡油脂分泌,改善发质,预防头屑、头痒,令头皮清爽舒润,秀发飘逸迷人。 Wash free formula, contain almond seed essence, lily, gingko leaves essence, wheat protein, oxalic acid and vitamin, refresh hair and control oil. The effectively ingredients can take effect in hair root, balance oil secretion, improve hair quality, prevent dandruff and hair itch, make hair refreshing, moist, graceful and beautiful.