十二月坊 果萃热能润足


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产品名称 果萃热能润足 功效
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

采用植物暖体配方研制而成,有效减除寒冷季节足部冰冻、僵化感觉,令足部产生阵阵暖意。蕴含多种植物精华,改善足部干裂、长茧的粗糙状态,特别添加的植物抗冻因子,在严寒的冬日,增强足部的抗冻能力,令足部肌肤温润细嫩、健康舒爽。   Efficiency:Apply vegetal body warming formula, effectively promote blood circulation of feet skin, quickly relieve freezing and stiff feeling in chilly weather, warm feet, contain various vegetal essences, relieve dry, chapped and rough skin, combine with vegetal anti-frozen factor, strengthen the anti-frozen ability of feet in chilly winter, and make feet skin moist, tender, healthy and refreshing.