十二月坊 薰衣草精华橄榄油


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产品名称 薰衣草精华橄榄油 功效
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

精纯橄榄油,薰衣草精华及超抗氧化剂,能够强化保护肌肤,中和导致肌肤老化的自由基,并可有效修护疤痕,让肌肤再现青春嫩滑。仅需在早晚使用几滴,就能让肌肤丰润紧致而有弹性。   Efficiency: Contain olive oil, lavender essence and super anti-oxidant agent, protect skin, neutralize free radical which causes skin ageing, effectively repair scars, rejuvenate skin, and make skin firm after using several drops in the morning and evening.